Saturday, May 4, 2013


You would think by now we would have learned our lesson. How many times have we gone into a place that is noted for their chicken and ordered up a burger only to be let down in the flavor and quality department.

Frickers is a Dayton based restaurant chain that was founded on the concept of real quality chicken wings. With over 20 locations, mostly in Ohio but with restaurants in Indiana and Michigan, the locals who have tried them have flocked (pardon the pun) to check out their chunks of chicken. Currently there are locations in our neck of the woods in Mason, Middletown, North College Hill and West Chester. You can also find them on the web at

Mark has eaten chicken at Frickers numerous times having first discovered it in Bowling Green (Ohio that is, not Kentucky). But it was only recently that the two of us tried one of their burgers.


The joke at Frickers, which was founded by two brothers with the last name of Frick, is that everything they serve up is "Frickin' Good." And that's true for their chicken. But they have several burgers on the menu ranging from the traditional third pound regular hamburger to the half pound Frick Burger to the massive one pound Big Frickin' Burger. We ordered up the Frick Burger.

Like with other chicken restaurants these burgers did not live up to the quality of their more noteworthy menu mates. The burgers were obviously frozen and trucked in. They came to the table a bit dry from the flat top and not really having much in the way of a unique flavor. They at least tasted like beef but it was rather bland beef at that. Where ever they are getting these frozen hockey pucks from isn't even putting salt in with the meat before it hits the freezer.

Which is too bad because the rest of the food, or at least all that we have tried, is very good. Sure this is a typical chicken wing based sports bar with memorabilia and televisions all over the place. But all of the chicken dishes have always been very fresh and very tasty (with the exception of one of their wing sauces which has gotten mixed reviews). Even their French fries, particularly the Curly-Q fries, are pretty darn tasty.

If you go to Frickers, and you should, go for the chicken and leave the burgers alone. We keep telling ourselves that but man did those burgers look good going to other tables around us. We should have learned our lesson. 

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